icon 2024.11.12 【More】

National Tsing Hua University College of Technology Management Public Recruitment Announcement for Dean Candidates

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) is publicly seeking candidates for the position of Dean of the College of Technology Management, effective from August 1, 2025, with a term of three years, renewable for one additional term.


Qualifications for Candidates:

1.      Must hold a position as a professor, researcher, or equivalent.

2.      Should possess expertise relevant to the college.

3.      Experience in administrative leadership is required.


Interested candidates should prepare their academic and professional background materials (including a resume and vision for the role, not exceeding 15 pages) and submit them via email or by post to the "Dean Selection Committee of the College of Technology Management" by January 20, 2025.



College of Technology Management National Tsing Hua University

101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013


For further inquiries, please contact: Ms. Miaw-Ching Lu

Tel: +886-3-516-2100

E-mail: ctm@my.nthu.edu.tw


Or visit the website of the College of Technology Management of NTHU for updates on the search process. https://www.ctm.nthu.edu.tw/
